Astro Maagic

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Dr. Kanimozhi

Best Numerologist in Coimbatore

Queries about Vastu

  • Identifying persistent problems related to finances, disputes via layout scans and customized vastu recommendations
  • Installing essential remedies like pyramids, crystals, fountains, and strategic use of Metals for energy readings and rebalancing to attract positive forces
  • Leveraging conductive properties of Copper, Gold, Silver, and Iron during space energy analysis to identify negative ion buildups and blocked energy flows.
  • Metallic vastu items exchange electrochemical charges to neutralize negative energies and strengthen positive wavelengths.
  • Linkage of metals to cosmic vehicles as per astrology is tapped for channeling health, prosperity energy flows.
  • Strategic metal adjunct placement restores elemental equilibrium within space energy grids.
  • Natural EM radiation is nullified by specific metallic remedies guarding against tech-linked energetic distortions.
  • Vastu sciences give importance to selective metals and positioning for mitigating negative forces and environmental disorder thereby inviting financial stability, domestic harmony, and prosperity.

The goal is to tap into scientific material attributes of metals that give them energy conduction, radiation shielding, and electrochemical properties that can interface with subtle environmental energies to remedy negativity and enhance positivity for overall holistic balance.

Where did this specialized architectural wisdom originate in India’s long history? 

Vastu Shastra’s roots trace back to the Stapatya Veda – an Upaveda or supplementary section of the Atharvaveda estimated to have been composed around 500-100 BCE. This metaphysical doctrine laid the platform for a vision of structural design and town planning in complete synergy with the laws of nature.

Over millennia, the tenets of Stapatya Veda expanded into definite principles codified as Vastu Shastras or canons. These contain guidelines customized to local conditions across India’s diverse climates considering orientation, topography, and building materials suggesting a balanced spatial blueprint.

In Hindu belief, Vastu is the deity that presides over the dwelling place. Vastu is closely associated with the creative energy that brings order, prosperity, and positivity to living spaces.

According to traditional Hindu scriptures, the Vastu Purusha was one of the many divine beings created by Brahma to bring auspicious energies to homes and workspaces designed based on Vastu Shastra principles.

The Vastu Purusha is said to lie on the plot of land for which a building is to be constructed, with the head in the northeast direction. The house or building space is designed to allow the Vastu Purusha to breathe and move within it unobstructed. Obstructing the Vastu Purusha is believed to hamper prosperity.

As per Hindu beliefs, appeasing the Vastu deity before construction begins on a plot of land is very important. There are also specific days prescribed for beginning the Vastu puja which depends on the astrological configurations of the Sun, Moon, and Jupiter.

Days, when these planets occupy beneficial positions relative to each other as per Vedic Astrology, are considered auspicious for commencing activities like land purification and Vastu puja to invoke the blessings of gods as well as the Vastu Purusha. These muhurats ensure a prosperous foundation is laid to establish positive energy alignment for the space as per Vastu.

Vastu puja done on Vastu-compliant days assures divine blessings from the presiding deity Vastu Purusha, paving the way for fortune, well-being, and harmony.

Vastu shastra (or vastu) is an ancient Indian system of architecture and design that originated during the Vedic period. It is based on the belief that the laws of nature and energy need to be incorporated into the design and layout of buildings and spaces. Properly aligned structures enable balanced energy flow.

  • Vastu links the astrological angles, location vectors, airflow, and spatial geometry of structures with well-being, prosperity, and harmony with the physical environment.
  • The principles of Vastu align home and workspace construction with directional alignments (north, south, east, west), along with the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space).
  • Getting the orientations, layouts, and geometric patterns right as per Vastu enhances positive energy flows and benefits the occupants.
  • Specific Vastu tips relate to the shape and direction of land, entry gates, room locations, placements of doors, windows, furniture, appliances, colors, and lighting among other things.
  • Vastu is applied in architectural planning, building infrastructure, office spaces housing projects, and city planning to leverage natural energies optimally.
  • It aims to create structures and spaces that are synergistic and harmonious with nature for the peace, well-being, and prosperity of its residents or occupants.

Vastu combines metaphysical cosmology, sacred geometry, directional alignments, and ancient Hindu beliefs to optimize built spaces and balance energy fields through design.

  • Vastu Shastra is the science of spatial design, layout, and architecture in harmony with the laws of nature. It depends on astrology to determine auspicious timing and alignments based on the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, stars, etc.
  • In contrast, Vedic astrology (Jyotisha) studies the celestial bodies’ movements to analyze the influence of planets and stars on human lives as well as to predict events and destinies.
  • While Vedic astrology can indicate general positive and negative energetic directions as per an individual’s birth chart, Vastu provides micro-level insights to optimize the spatial orientations within a property itself.
  • However, there is an interdependence between the two ancient sciences – Vedic astrology helps determine the muhurat (auspicious timing) for Vastu rituals, groundbreaking and beginning construction based on planets’ positions.
  • Similarly, Vastu aims to neutralize planetary afflictions indicated in one’s horoscope through enhancements to strengthen the favorable energies and elements within buildings.

Together, they create built environments that are optimized for human habitation and complementary to an individual’s personal destiny patterns.

Both share some common concepts and principles as systems of energy design and space planning:

  • Orientation – Both recommend optimal orientation and layouts based on cardinal directions, favoring East-facing structures to harmonize with sunrise.
  • Elements – The five elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) find emphasis in Vastu and Feng Shui as promoting balance through design.
  • The flow of Chi & Prana – Feng Shui’s Chi and Vastu’s Prana refer to the vital energy circulations that should be unobstructed within spaces.
  • Auspiciousness – Precise geometric patterns, ratios, degrees and locations determined using astrology/astronomy ensure spaces capture cosmic “favorability”.
  • Flaws – Small flaws are amplified over time so systems offer remedies – Vastu prescribes yantras & gems while Feng Shui uses cures like mirrors to counter deficiencies.
  • Purpose – They share the common motivation of harmonizing human-made structures with nature for health, prosperity, and good fortune.

The difference is mainly cultural origins & symbolism – Vastu has an astrological emphasis with links to Hindu gods and mythology while Feng Shui is more numerology/element focused with Chinese symbolisms. But the core tenets resonate. Together they offer comprehensive and complementary frameworks for holistic, sustainable spatial design.

Numerology consultation

What is Numerology?


Numerology, often referred to as the esoteric study of numbers or number science, is a mystical discipline that explores the profound influence numbers purportedly wield over human lives. Rooted in ancient wisdom and cosmic connections, numerology seeks to decode the hidden information within numerical patterns to offer individuals deeper insights into their character, destiny trends, and life paths. 

By systematically assigning meanings to numbers and their vibrations, practitioners of number science believe they can unveil the secrets encoded in names and birthdates, providing a unique perspective on self-discovery and personal growth. However, it’s important to approach numerology with an open mind, recognizing its subjective nature and the absence of empirical scientific validation. At Astro Maagic we have deep understanding of Numerology and help our client get an in depth understanding through Numerology. 


Illuminating Origins:

While numerology lacks robust scientific foundations, its principles are rooted in the profound spiritual wisdom from antiquity across cultures:

Egyptian Numerology:

The ancient Egyptians utilized numbers symbolically, including the mystical properties of numbers in architectural dimensions, artworks, and religious texts. Numbers like 777 represented life and regeneration.

Pythagorean Numerology:

The Greek philosopher Pythagoras demonstrated that numbers govern musical scales, geometrical forms, and possibly, human lives. Pythagorean numerology assigns numbers to alphabet letters which are calculated to reveal destinies.

Hebrew Numerology:

In Kabbalistic texts, numbers represent cosmic creation, attributes of God, and occult properties that can be interpreted using Hebrew letters’ numeric values.

Chaldean numerology :


Chaldean numerology is a lesser-known esoteric system that differs from popular Pythagorean numerology in its ancient origins and methodologies. Developed by the priest-astrologers of ancient Chaldea and Babylonia, it assigns vibrational numbers from 1 to 8 to letters based on Chaldean alphabetical order rather than 1 to 9 per Pythagorean. 


This results in variant calculations and additional destiny components like individual first-name and last-name numbers. Chaldean readings emphasize psychic and spiritual aspects like life purpose and karmic patterns based on the premise that encodings in an ancient script better delineate human fortunes.

Aligning with the Universal Order:

Numerologists connect to this arcane knowledge from mystical traditions to analyze the portentous order in names, dates, and events. By quantifying, comparing, and deriving meaning from numbers and mathematical interrelationships, personal destinies and archetypes can be revealed.

Core Techniques Used

What is a numerology portrait?


Just like there is a natal chart in astrology, numerology has its portrait. This portrait will serve as the guiding star for your life. Every portrait has six different numbers each of which has a different meaning. Three of these numbers will be calculated from your birth date while the other three numbers will be decided from your name.


The names of these six numbers and what they mean are explained below –

  • Soul’s urge – This number, as the name suggests, will determine the factor or object that can satisfy your soul and make you happy.
  • Power number – This number is to show how strong your character is.
  • Personality number – You will get to know what your character is about from this number.
  • Birthday Number – Your birthday number will determine what impression others form about you at first glance.
  • Attitude Number – This number will determine your thought or attitude towards life.
  • Life Path Number – This is the most important number among all others because it will determine the course of your life.

Use and Reliability:


  • Personal Insights: Many people use numerology as a tool for self-reflection and gaining insights into their personalities and life paths.
  • Compatibility: Numerology is sometimes used to assess compatibility in relationships, considering the compatibility of life path numbers.
  • Career Choices: Some individuals turn to numerology for guidance in career choices and decision-making.
  • Spiritual Growth: Numerology is also embraced by those interested in spiritual growth and understanding the deeper meaning of life.


Numerology lacks empirical scientific support, and its principles are based on metaphysical and mystical beliefs rather than measurable evidence. Critics argue that the results are often subjective and open to interpretation. It’s essential to approach numerology with an open mind, recognizing it as a personal belief system rather than a scientifically proven method.

Significance and Cautions:

For believers, numerology charts out the mysterious inner causality between cosmic numerics, fate, and free will. By considering numerical meanings and patterns subjectively, personal truths may surface offering directions. However, skepticism exists regarding the reliability of such nebulous symbolic interpretations being considered a definitive guide.

As a predominantly intuitive divination method without rigorous scientific authority, numerology merits open-minded discretion. While self-insights gleaned can be personally validating, sole reliance on it for life decisions is best avoided.

What is the present scenario of numerology?

  • Modern-day numerology is used to determine what the various incidents in your life mean.
  • This is often similar to the process of fortune-telling.
  • In today’s world, number science is also used in combination with other mysterious studies like astrology, geomancy, cartomancy, and dream interpretation.
  • A single number can be interpreted to have different meanings and that is what numerology does.
  • It will explain to you what each of these numbers signifies.
  • It can depict your personality or even how your coming year is going to be.

In Conclusion,

The ethereal world of numbers, often explored through the lens of numerology or number science, maintains an enduring mystique that continues to captivate spiritual seekers. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that numerology’s validity stands on shaky empirical grounds. Used judiciously for self-discovery with tempered expectations, mathematical oracles still reveal enriching perspectives on life’s bewildering complexity. As individuals navigate the enigmatic realm of numerical influences, an open-minded approach allows for a harmonious balance between the fascination of the mystical and the rational recognition of its speculative nature.

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